Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mobile Blog Time! Happy Birthday Tiffany & Co

Wow what a busy week! While I was so busy Tiffany & Co. were celebrating their 175th birthday. How awesome! A fun fact ( thank you hood morning america) about Tiffany & Co. is they began their business as a stationary did that get stepped up!
Any who, because I love Tiffany & Co. And their beautiful signature blue color I ventured into my fingernail polish bin to find the color of gorgeous. Well out of the hundred of polishes none were even close. Bummer :(
Although I am a fan of chemistry especially color chemistry I am know for creating my own mineral makeup pallet and some glamorous lip tints so "I got this".
Here is a brake down of what colors I used and how I mixed it and what I put it all in.
So I pretty much eyeballed everything more light colors of course, I counted everything in seconds and I used fast dry clear coat as a filler and I am very happy with the out come. Tell me what you think.
.... I am going to have to apologize how my mobile blog lays put my photos hope it makes sense :)

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