Friday, September 21, 2012

Mobile blog alert! Can you say Target and clearance in the same sentence?

Alright, so it's been a while. This restaurant marketing has me running around like crazy. Any, who... No time for blogging but just enough time to check out some great sales at Target. Not just sales but I purchased 4 things all were under 10 bucks!!!!! Let's see if you can guess which one was full price!!
Now how cute is the scarf, although it is technically a summer style for 4 bucks it was a steal to match up with a black and white this scarf. There were a few others but hey I can't spend all my money, hehe!
Watch Heaven!!!! So many cute watches I couldn't even decide. Well the pink one was for my daughter, do that one is not technically mine but the color is amazing. I am sure I will get my turn to show it off with an out fit or two in its life time. Now the black one just like the pink and that's mine all mine. The pink and black were a steal at 6 bucks each both clearance items. Now last but not least my favorite the men's inspired throw back with a touch of turquoise....cute! Alright now this scrumptious watch was the only item I payed full price and get this only $10 bucks!
Well hope if you are lingering for a mini shopping spree or shopping for gifts (Christmas right around the corner). Take a brief look at the clearance and save a penny or two ;)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mobile Blog Time! Happy Birthday Tiffany & Co

Wow what a busy week! While I was so busy Tiffany & Co. were celebrating their 175th birthday. How awesome! A fun fact ( thank you hood morning america) about Tiffany & Co. is they began their business as a stationary did that get stepped up!
Any who, because I love Tiffany & Co. And their beautiful signature blue color I ventured into my fingernail polish bin to find the color of gorgeous. Well out of the hundred of polishes none were even close. Bummer :(
Although I am a fan of chemistry especially color chemistry I am know for creating my own mineral makeup pallet and some glamorous lip tints so "I got this".
Here is a brake down of what colors I used and how I mixed it and what I put it all in.
So I pretty much eyeballed everything more light colors of course, I counted everything in seconds and I used fast dry clear coat as a filler and I am very happy with the out come. Tell me what you think.
.... I am going to have to apologize how my mobile blog lays put my photos hope it makes sense :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mobile blog alert!!! It's almost Halloween....

I was just in one of our local Goodwill stores and oh my goodness, Halloween Central. I talked about the dollar store and now I guess it's time to talk a bit about our second hand stores. Not only can you find super deals the money goes to good causes.
So I snapped a few pics of how much great Halloween gear they had. You name it wedding dresses, colored rights, fake mustaches, decorations, cowboy hats and on and on.

My mini Dollar Tree splurge

   So I will be honest and say that I could not wait to post again on "My Blog", hehe! Yes still a little giddy about having my blog and posting new blogs. Before I get started on my mini Dollar Tree splurge I just want to give a shout out to all teachers and those of you who are retired.  We are celebrating teachers and school faculty at work this week put together a little appreciation celebration. So here is a little shout our to those important people in our community so take the time and say thanks to these special people.

     Not sure how many people out there know about this dandy little store called "Dollar Tree".  Let me tell you it is so much fun!  If anyone is a fan of Pintrest there are many blogs on what to and what not to buy at the dollar tree Things to buy at the dollar store, so check it out.
    I personally love the Dollar Tree I go there and purchase many things.  I do get snacks for my kids lunch and I buy storage containers oh and I can go on and on.  If you are a budget queen or king and love to get a bang for your buck I really suggest you check it out! Enough of me repeating my self let me get to the items I brought home in my bag from this trip.
Yup everything just a buck, ( plus tax)
First on the list Duct tape, but not just any duct tape but animal print duct tape.  If anyone has checked out my Etsy page you all know my love for duct tape.  Now I do admit that there is not much on the roll, but enough to make a little wallet or cover your cell phone stripe out your note book for school and much much more in little projects duct tape is amazing.
A compass,its not just for math class. This is great for pattern making, and just getting that perfect circle and round edge when ever you need it and for a buck its a steal!
POP UP TAPE!  WOW just a buck!  so if you have bought this in a conventional store you will know that the price alone is enough to snag this at the dollar tree.  It is so easy to use especially giving your self a perfect french manicure it is just tacky enough and easy enough to make nail art fun and easy.

Last but not least "Scrub Buddies", not for scrubbing though.  These are much to weak for scrubbing  I do admit and I hear that sponges hold bacteria so I find other fun things to do with them.  I do like these for crafting because they have small finer holes.  So my plans are to make sponge painting sponges.  Make them for the kids make them for t-shirt painting.  I think I want to cut them up into geometric shapes and make a couple of t shirts with a tribal design ( all the rage).
Hope this give everyone an insite on how to think out of the box when at the Dollar Tree, or at any store for that matter.  Give me your feed back and let me know how I am doing.... let me know what you want to know what you want to see give me your feed back.  Of course everyone needs to know I do not work for dollar tree I am only giving you all my ideas and my opinions on their products.  Thanks for sticking around and reading about my ideas.  Enjoy your day and Thanks a teacher!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Wowwy I have a blog!!

     Here is hoping that I have many people reading my posts daily, that I can inspire people a little bit with the things I do on a daily basis.  Everyday I seem to be creating something or coming up with new techniques for old ideas. My mind and hands are always working and I am always on the search for inspiration in everything that I do.
 Let me give you an idea of what my everyday life looks like. I have 3 wonderful children of all ages my daughter is 14 ( almost 15) my sons are 9 and 2 (almost 3) they are lots a fun and big challenge at the same time.  I have a small business on Etsy, Mariah's Sassy Fashions and I am a part time Marketer for Texas Roadhouse.  I am actually employed by my loving husband, I enjoy working with him everyday.
    Well Cheers! Here is to a happy, happy fun blog and keep in mind the look may change the more and more I learn about how fun designing a blog can be. So stay tuned for more to come!
MY FAMILY....they are a bit bigger these days I will have to take a new one soon!
   And now to introduce you to my wonderful husband......
Well everyone Ejoy your day, have a bright and happy week and hope to back with more posts very very soon! Maybe with my new hair low lights and how I did it without making a comitment!